Monday 4 August 2014

Introductory Post

Hello world :)

About six months ago, I started getting into indie make up/perfume (through Reddit's r/indiemakeupandmore). I'm starting this blog to document this new hobby, and as a way to get myself into writing again. I'll be blogging about mostly make up, with a toss-up of indies and non-indie brands.

The URL of this blog is a pun based on fawn + fantasia. I like baby animals and I like the definition of fantasia - "a free musical composition structured according to the composer's fancy". This will be a blog focused on cosmetics and perfume, not music, but I'm applying the same principals of improvisation.

I've had a LiveJournal account in the past that I've abandoned several years ago, and I hope I can keep faithful to blogging this time around.
